Last time I posted about all of my crazy goals for yesterday.  Well, as it turns out, it took me 2 days to get it all done, but I also managed to squeeze in some quality time with my pillow, as well as my husband!

First things first...I cleaned my entire house from top to bottom yesterday, which it desperately needed!  I think the floors in the kitchen/entry/bathroom needed about 2 hours of attention between vacuuming, dry swiffering, vacuuming again, wet swiffering, and then picking up the bits of wet lint that were still lying around.  I hate how that happens.  Our entryway was also full of gravel.  Man, I hate winter.

Anyway, after I cleaned the house, ran errands, I managed to concoct this centerpiece for our dining table.

In this picture its actually sitting on my coffee table because my dining table is filled with sewing supplies, but I need advice.  Should we spray paint the branches white?  T picked up the branches while out target shooting last week.  I kind of love it.

Anyway, on to fabulous project numero dos:  diet coke bread!

I think T was making me giggle about something here...not sure what...Anyway, my mom gave me this mix for beer bread, but as we don't have any beer on hand, the box said to use soda instead.  T was skeptical of adding diet coke, but the box said soda, and it was the only soda I had!  It turned out really good!  It's very dense and a little sweet, but tastes really nice with some butter on it.

While the bread was in the over, I tried my hand at making a ruffle fleece scarf, as mentioned over at Posy the Porcelain Pig.  Hers looks waaaaay  better than mine, but she's also a much more accomplished seamstress than I.  I did end up altering the directions on the ends a little bit though because the extra flaps just looked funny on mine.  I connected them and it gave the ends a more rounded look.For my first adventure in scarf-making, I'd say it's not terrible:

Last but not least, my beloved pillows.  I've been meaning to do this project since probably September, but just hadn't had the urge to dig out the sewing machine!  T and I originally bought the fabric at IKEA because we were going to re-upholster a chair with it.  Well, re-upholstering isn't cheap....and it's too complicated to do ourselves, so we decided to just leave our yellow chair yellow.  (I like it better that way, but T doesn't...)

I love this fabric.  Like, really really love it!

So there you have it, my crafty past two days in a nutshell.  Fun huh?
1 Response
  1. Mikalah Says:

    Wow! Everything looks great, my dear! I love how your scarf turned out, aren't they fun? Also, LOVE the pillows. I am addicted to re-covering pillows- so much cheaper than buying them!

    I have always wanted to try my hand at reupholstering, but it looks so complicated. I've heard you can take classes on it though!

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