I fell.  On the ice.  In below zero temperatures.  The funny part of it is, because I landed in a small pile of snow, my knee was instantly numb.  That lasted for like 5 minutes once I got inside.  Oh, my pesky need to check the mail when I get home from school.  I fell out in the middle of our driveway.  What's the bad news?  I ripped my favorite tights, AND doing my Wii workout may be quite painful on my poor little knee.  :(

T and I are seriously loving our Wii Fit.  What's crazy is that we've had it since Monday, played it every day and STILL haven't played all of the activities on it!  I think that so far my favorite game is the skiing games, the hula hoop game, and maybe the rhythm parade one.  (It's like you get to be the drum major for a marching band and move the baton up and down while you march.  Always wanted to be a drum major...T thought I was a SUPER geek on that one....)

It's been a great week in choir too!  My kiddos are learning the new music WAY faster than I thought they would.  Have you heard this piece?  It's an Eric Whitacre piece that was originally made for a Disney movie called Seal Lullaby (based on Rudyard Kipling's story by the same name) but then they decided to make Kung Fu Panda instead so this music never got used.  It's a gorgeous song, though!  My Treble Choir is singing it for our Feb. concert.  Have a listen!

In other news, T keeps getting more secondary apps for med schools! This is such great news and we are so thankful that he has the opportunity to continue the application process. Hopefully we'll have a CHOICE of where we want to go next year! That'd be awesome, wouldn't it?! EEEEEE!!!!

Ok, ciao y'all.
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