I'm going to break a bit of a personal blogging standard, which is to not blog about TV shows.  Living fabulously is not about watching TV.  Well, at least, not usually.  However, I do live in South Dakota, and it is January, and I already blogged about American Idol last night.  So, it is with a slightly regretful heart that I'm going to tell you about my new favorite show...NCIS.  It's on most nights on USA and T and I just love it!  We got hooked on it this summer when we were always looking for something to watch during dinner (we eat in front of the TV...so sue me!) and we had run out of Scrubs episodes.  I never know how it's going to end and it's not as scary as watching Law & Order SVU.  (For some reason that show spooks me out.)

Well, the semester test saga goes on.  I gave my kids review sheets more than a week ago and they hardly studied at all.  The funniest part of it is that the stuff on the test was stuff we've gone over day after day after day.  Key signatures, note values, just the basic stuff, plus a singing test.  Amazing how a choir can sound so good with so many kids who can't hold their own part.  Silly me for thinking that.

Anyway, T got another secondary med school app tonight, this time from a school in Tennessee!  It looks like it's in the mountains and really pretty.  We'll see if he gets an interview, maybe I'll beg to come along!  I haven't used any of my personal days yet this year, so it might be a good opportunity.

I was so sure that we were going to hear from USD today, and then we didn't.  Boo.  I got myself really worked up about it.  I usually do about these things, you know, when they're totally out of my hands.  I can't wait until we just know already!!!!
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