Wow friends, wow.  It's been an incredible day!  We were having a really great Concert Choir rehearsal when all of a sudden two counselors and the band director walk in the classroom with very serious looks on their face.  They said they needed to talk to me for a few minutes.  My mind naturally assumed the worst, like a bunch of my choir kids had been involved in some sort of serious disobedience or somebody died.  Needless to say, I was freaking out a little bit on the inside.  That is, until they informed us that they were the advisors for our school's chapter of National Honor Society and that they needed to deliver a letter to me on their behalf.  I opened the letter and read it to myself and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, I'm shocked!"  The NHS voted me "Teacher of the Year!"  The kids all knew what it was about and as soon as I said that, they erupted into applause.  I was floored!  Those little stinkers.  I'm so honored!  Eeeee!

By the way, T fixed my red sparkly vacuum.  He said he had to pull a small cat out of the belt, or something like that.  Apparently it works fine now, and he vacuumed my rug just to prove it to me.  :D  T left today for a mission trip to Mexico with a bunch of men from our church.  He's never been on one before and I'm so excited for him.  I also wish I could be there with him!

I'm so excited to get out of town this weekend.  I haven't left since I came home on New Year's Eve.  Getting VERY stir crazy.  I'm supposed to go up to Minneapolis to see my sissy perform.  I was so excited to see my fam and see her perform, but alas, the forecast says freezing rain and snow.  Yuck.

Well, off to do some laundry.  Giddyup.
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