I don't know what's come over me, I just stopped blogging, didn't I?

Lots has happened, but I will be brief!

My choir performed for an audience of music teachers at SDSU.  It went really well, I kind of want to figure out a way to post a recording.  Maybe I'll figure it out this weekend.

The day before, we had a day trip for Small Group Contest.

We had another concert with completely different music the next week, which involved 2 guest conductors, massive rehearsal schedules, etc. etc. etc.  It also went very well!!!!!

This weekend T and I baked 7 dozen cookies for my choir kiddos because they're awesome.

Then there were conferences from 5-8:30 on Tuesday  night.  What a bunch of hooey!

I got a new camera, and have yet to post any pics with it!  (Thanks, mom!)

As you can see, my school days have been ridiculously busy.  This means that my home schedule involves getting home at 4, completely crashed for 2 hours, and then lethargically going off to my evening activities.  February has nearly wiped me out, friends.  On top of all of that, I got sick, too.

It's nice to be back to a less stressful life, a relaxed life, where I get to spend time with my husband, watch the Olympics (I am soooooo in love with the Olympics, it's ridiculous.)  and just be me!

The med school admissions committee meets this Saturday for their final decisions and we should find out a definitive answer next week about USD.  Please PRAY!!!

Has anybody else had a February like me?

Do you have any idea how I can post a sound file of our choir?  Help please!
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