T and I are currently in Sioux Falls for the weekend.  Hooray for Easter!  We enjoyed the most moving of Good Friday services with my family last night.  I was in tears by the end.  It was the last song that pushed me over.  A good family friend sang a duet with our music director.  She used to sing duets just like this with her husband who just recently passed away.  It was a first time she sang a duet with anyone else besides him and all I could think about was how strong she was to keep praising the Lord in these difficult circumstances.  By the end it was all I could do to stay in my seat and not go comfort her, because by the end, she was streaming tears too.  Praise the Lord we'll see her husband in heaven someday!

Ah.  Now about the desk.  After I talked to a few of you via facebook and your comments on the last post, T and I decided that the desk must be ours!

Our thrift stores are silly and decide to close at 5:30pm.  Poo.  By the time T got off work and I showed him this pic, the store had long since closed.  We had planned on stopping by and buying it before we left town yesterday, but we weren't sure what time the store opened.  We stopped by around 8ish and of course they didn't open until 10.  We weren't about to wait around for another 2 hours.  Poo again.  My mom suggested that we call them at 10 and see if they'd put a hold on it so we could pick it up on Tuesday.  Apparently not.  The manager was kind of a stinker and just flat out said, "puh, you think we have the room to store stuff for people?  No.  No layaway, no holds, cash and carry only."  I thought he'd just walk back and put a hold sign on it.  Apparently not.

Well, T is off work on Tuesday morning.  (Our favorite little thrift stop is closed on Sunday and Monday.)  Hopefully no furniture refinishers were in town yesterday and snagged our desk before we can get to it!  The saga continues...

P.S.  I tried to fix the comments section, I think it works now.  I think.  Let me know if you still can't get it to work.  emsensei{at}gmail{dot}com.
1 Response
  1. Natalie Says:

    Easter paraaaaaaade!

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